HP D8540-69001 - Processor baseboard - Processor Baseboard - Mounts Horizontally in the Front Half of the Chassis Retail
HP D7054-69004 - Processor carrier board - Has four processor slots - Processor Carrier Board - Has Four Processor Slots - Two Boards are Used - Mounts to Processor Baseboard Retail
HP D6021-69001 - Mid-plane PC board - Board that connects the I/O board, memory boards, and the processor baseboard - Mid-Plane PC Board - Board That Connects the I/O Board, Memory Boards, and the Processor Baseboard - Mounts Vertically in the Center Retail
HP A6695-69005 - Processor (extender) board - Has four processor sockets - Plugs into the system baseboard Retail
HP P2553-63044 - Control panel cable - From the control panel board to the system processor board Retail
HP A3262-69140 - Processor/memory board with two 120MHz PCXT processors - Processor/Memory Board (with Two 120MHz PCXT` Processors) Retail