HP D4840-80214 - Flash ROM (Revision 4.05.11.PS) - Mounts in socket on the system (Mother) board Retail
Hewlett-Packard (HP) A3639-60006 - Motherboard / System Board / Mainboard Sale $599.00 SAVE 40% Retail $999.00
Hewlett-Packard (HP) A2095-60006 - Motherboard / System Board / Mainboard Sale $199.00 SAVE 50% Retail $399.00
HP C1705-60006 - Drive interconnect board - Drive Interconnect Board - Mounts Above Fan Panel Assembly Retail
HP D4944-69001 - Processor board - Has one processor socket - Does NOT include the processor - Processor Board (Small Horizontal Board) - Has One Processor IC Socket - Does NOT Include the Processor IC Retail