HP D1678-80002 - Cable assembly - Expander cable assembly - From expander board to third and fourth drive Retail
HP 97596-61603 - Floppy drive ribbon cable - From controller board to floppy drive (new style) Retail
HP 97596-04701 - Mounting tray - For hard drive, floppy drive & controller board - Mounting tray - For drives and controller board (New Style) Retail
HP 97548-69128 - ESDI drive electronics board - ESDI Drive Electronics Board - for 335MB & 670MB Hard Drives Retail
HP 537757-001 - Floppy drive carrier assembly - For inserting floppy drive into optical disk drive bay Retail
HP C1501-61002 - DDS tape drive data cable assembly - From DDS tape drive to HP-IB controller board Retail