HP C1708-60042 - Carriage guide rod - Guides the carriage/picker assembly in its vertical travel Retail
HP C1100-60042 - Carriage guide rod - Guides the carriage/picker assembly in its vertical travel Retail
HP C1118-60041 - Carriage/picker assembly flex cable - From carriage/picker assembly to autochanger controller board Retail
HP C1118-60087 - Shield rod - Prevents the flex cable (Going to the carriage/ picker assembly) from being entangled in the picker arms Retail
HP C1118-60032 - Leadscrew/vertical drive assembly - Moves the carriage/ picker assembly up and down between the mail slot, the storage slots, and the optical drive Retail
HP C1700-60042 - Bearing block (long) - Carriage rollers/block for carriage assembly - For right side of the carriage assembly Retail