HP AB297-67001 - Printed Circuit Assembly (PCA) - Backplane, card cage assembly, PCI Express (PCIe-X) 2.0, Kona Retail
HP A6752-69014 - PCI backplane (card cage assembly) - Includes the metal PCI backplane cage and the 16 slot PCI backplane Retail
HP A6093-69015 - PCI backplane (card cage assembly) - Includes the metal PCI backplane cage and the 16 slot PCI backplane Retail
HP A6093-69313 - PCI Express (Pci-X) card cage kit - Includes the PCI-X I/O board, PCI card separators, metal card cage with fan frame Retail
HP A6093-69213 - PCI-X card cage assembly - Includes the PCI-X I/O board, PCI card separators, metal card cage with fan frame Retail