HP 599520-001 - System board (motherboard) - For use with models that have UMA graphics subsystems and 13.3-inch displays - Includes replacement th Retail
HP 535802-001 - System board (motherboard) - For use in computers with a WWAN module and UMA graphics subsystem memory Retail
HP 599522-001 - System board (motherboard) - For use with models that have discrete graphics subsystems and 14.0-inch displays - Includes replaceme Retail
HP 574505-001 - System board (motheboard) - For use in computers with UMA graphics subsystem memory that do not include a WWAN module Retail
HP 538391-001 - System board (motherboard) - For use on models equipped with an AMD processor and a graphics subsystem with UMA memory - Includes r Retail
HP 646246-001 - System board - For use in models with UMA graphics but without WWAN capability Retail
HP 446905-001 - System board (motherboard) - Includes WWAN module slot - For 6510b and 6710b models with WWAN Retail
HP 577220-001 - GL40 system board - For use only on computer models equipped with graphics subsystems with UMA memory and not equipped with WWAN ca Retail