HP 571187-001 - System board (motherboard) - No processor (Discrete), M96 chipset, and 1GB graphics memory Retail
HP 401552-001 - Motherboard (system board) - 32MB on-board memory, 66MHz system bus, 440BX chipset - Includes Mobile Pentium II 333MHz processor (5 Retail
HP 401553-001 - Motherboard (system board) - 64MB on-board memory, 66MHz system bus, 440BX chipset - Includes Mobile Pentium II 366MHz processor (5 Retail
HP 310387-001 - Motherboard (system board) - 64MB on-board memory, 66MHz system bus, 440BX chipset - Includes Mobile Pentium II 266MHz processor (5 Retail
HP 310358-001 - Motherboard (system board) - 32MB on-board memory, 66MHz system bus, 440BX chipset - Includes Mobile Pentium II 266MHz processor (5 Retail
HP 570246-001 - System board (motherboard) - With UMA graphics subsystem memory, GL40 chipset - Does not include RTC battery not processor Retail