HP D2010-69005 - System processor/memory board - System Processor/Memory Bd - Plugs into System Interface Bd Retail
HP D2635-69005 - System processor board - With Ultra VGA & IDE controller built-in - System Processor Bd - w/ Ultra VGA & IDE Controller Built-In Retail
HP D2266-63001 - System processor board - With Ultra VGA & IDE controllers built-in - System Processor Bd - w/ Ultra VGA & IDE Controller Built-In Retail
HP 5062-3331 - CIO Turbo-LAN (802.3 BNC) interface controller (LANIC) board - CIO Turbo-LAN (802.3: BNC) Interface Controller (LANIC) Bd Retail
HP D2635-68023 - Serial and parallel interface and keyboard and mouse controller board - Serial and Parallel Interface/Keyboard/Mouse, Controller Bd Retail
HP 12076-69002 - Local area network interface controller (LANIC) board - Local Area Network Interface Controller (LANIC) Bd (12076A) Retail
HP 5062-6954 - System processor board - For use with HP Vectra 486 series - System Processor Board - Plugs into System Interface Board Retail