HP 518463-001 - System board (Motherboard) - Full-feature plus discrete architecture - With M86/512MB graphics memory Retail
HP 508351-001 - System board (Motherboard) - Full-feature plus discrete architecture - With M86/512MB graphics memory Retail
HP 530737-001 - System board (motherboard) - Discrete architecture, 512MB graphics memory PM45 chipset Retail
HP 578254-001 - System board (motherboard) - Discrete architecture - With 512MB memory - No processor Retail
HP 580973-001 - System board (Motherboard) - With AMD G105M chipset, 512MB graphics memory, full featured+ (Discrete) Retail
HP 574681-001 - System board (Motherboard) - With AMD M92 chipset, 512MB graphics memory, full featured (Discrete) Retail
HP 535533-001 - System board (Motherboard) - Discrete architecture, with 512MG graphics memory Retail
HP 506122-001 - System board (Motherboard) - Full-feature discrete architecture, 512MB graphics memory, and supports AMD Turion 64 Dual-Core proces Retail