HP 597832-001 - Cable kit - Includes a Bluetooth module cable, audio cable, and RJ-11 connector cable Retail
HP 446519-001 - Miscellaneous cable kit - Include USB/power connector board cable, LED board cable, Bluetooth module cable, and Audio board cable Retail
HP 487432-001 - Cable kit - Includes a Bluetooth module cable, audio cable, and modem module cable (with RJ-11 connector) Retail
HP 381709-001 - Miscellaneous cable kit - Includes Bluetooth board cable, LED cable, RJ-11 connector module and cable, audio board cable, USB board Retail
HP 389013-001 - Cable kit - Includes LED cable, Bluetooth cable, RJ-11 connector module with cable, discrete audio board cable, UMA audio board cab Retail
HP 413703-001 - Cable kit - Includes cables for touchpad, modem, USB/audio board, serial connector module, and Bluetooth module Retail
HP 593854-001 - Cable kit - Includes Bluetooth module cable, modem module cable (with RJ-11 connector), and TouchPad board cable Retail
HP 395465-001 - Miscellaneous cable kit - Includes Bluetooth board cable, LED board cable, audio board cable, USB board cable, serial connector mod Retail
HP 683640-001 - Cable kit - Includes battery connector cable, power connector cable, audio cable, and USB module with cable Retail