HP 407160-001 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g LJ embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Most-of-world) Retail
HP 407160-002 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g LJ embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Rest-of-world) Retail
HP 407159-291 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g HS embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Japan) Retail
HP 407108-291 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g LJ wireless LAN (WLAN) card - Supports IEEE 802.11b/g wireless standards (Japan) Retail
HP 407159-002 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g HS embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Rest-of-world) Retail
HP 407159-001 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g HS embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Most-of-world) Retail
HP 395262-002 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g HS embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Broadcom, Rest-of-world) Retail
HP 436253-001 - Mini PCI 802.11b/g/n LJ embedded wireless LAN (WLAN) card with Bluetooth (Most-of-world) Retail