Cisco C1841-T1SEC-V2/K9 - 1841 Security Bundle with HWIC-1DSU-T1, Adv. Sec., 64FL, 256DR Retail $1,662.50
Cisco HWIC-3G-CDMA-S - 3G WWAN HWIC-EVDO Rev A/Rel 0/1xRTT-800/1900MHz Cisco Router High-Speed WAN Interface card Retail $129.00
Cisco CISCO1921-SEC/K9 - Cisco 1921 K9 Router with 2GE, SEC License PAK, 512MB DRAM, 256MB Retail $2,100.00
Cisco HWIC-3G-CDMA - 3G WWAN HWIC-EVDO Rev A/0/1xRTT-800/1900MHz Cisco Router High-Speed WAN Interface card Retail $69.00